TeenTech, which runs initiatives in the UK to promote STEM (the movement to help young teenagers see career possibilities in science, engineering and technology), has begun its City of Tomorrow Challenge. The challenge offers students, teachers and parents an opportunity to explore science, technology, and engineering in a creative way and also provides opportunities for students to see how these subjects are applied in the real world and learn about the many new careers which are opening up in the worlds of construction, technology and engineering.
The challenge has two main tasks: designing one building to live in, and designing a public building for social, sport, education or health purposes. The buildings are required to use recycled materials and need to meet at least three of the United Nation’s seventeen sustainable development goals: no poverty; zero hunger; good health and well-being; quality education; gender equality; clean water and sanitation; affordable and clean energy; decent work and economic growth; industry, innovation and infrastructure; reduced inequality; sustainable cities and communities; responsible consumption and production; climate action; life below water; life on land; strong peace and justice institutions; and, partnerships to achieve the goals.
“We’re encouraging students to have a vision on what the future city should look like,” Maggie Philbin, chief executive officer of TeenTech, said. “We want young people and schools to understand that technology is not something that is siloed into computer science. It is something that everyone needs to be across, so helping every teacher understand that they need to embed digital skills in their teaching is very important.”
TeenTech City of Tomorrow is sponsored nationally by Microsoft and Atkins.