2024 Smart 20 Awards Application

Please submit your entry to the Smart 20 Awards using the form below. Smart Cities Connect Media & Research will accept entries from November 1, 2023 through February 16, 2024 at 5 PM CT.

If you have questions about the application, please contact us: editor@smartcitiesconnect.org.

Smart 20 Awards 2024

Contact Information

Address *


Please describe your entry. Keep in mind that the Smart 20 Awards celebrates municipal-scale and regional-scale smart projects with measurable results. This program is not designed to award companies, innovations, or technologies.
This will be the name of the project listed on the website and award, if you win. It should be the project name, not a company name. Titles with company names may be edited. Limit 150 characters
Please indicate the physical location(s)/municipality where this project is active. If you are submitting as a private sector organization, please keep in mind that our focus is on a specific city-based project and its location, not every place where your company works.
If this project has its own URL, please indicate that here. This should not be a general company web address but should specifically speak to the project itself.
Please indicate when your project went "live" and began collecting data/measurable results.
If applicable, please indicate when your project ended.
0 of 500 max words
Maximum 500 words
0 of 500 max words
Please indicate the cost of project implementation, as well as funding sources. This will not impact your entry for better or worse, but it does provide useful information for municipalities looking to replicate or learn from your work. Note that this will be made public. If you cannot share precise amounts, please approximate to help other cities seeking information. Maximum 500 words.
0 of 500 max words
Limit 500 words.

Maximum file size: 2.1MB

Please submit a brief 45-second video, about your project. If you win, this video could be showcased at the reception event in Raleigh. This does not need to be professionally made, but it should help explain your project and its value to the community. Videos longer than one minute will not be considered.
Can you commit to send at least one representative from your project team to the 2024 Smart 20 Awards Reception in Raleigh, North Carolina? *