Toronto Canada’s TransformTO Net Zero Climate Action Strategy has the goal of reducing community-wide greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to net zero by the year 2040. The city council has now invited residents and organizations to join a new Climate Advisory Group (CAG) to help implement the plan.
The purposes of the CAG are to: provide advice and peer review of implementation plans; ensure ongoing two-way information sharing and collaboration between the City and external parties; and help mobilize all sectors and communities to move towards the goal of a zero carbon, healthy, equitable, prosperous and resilient Toronto.
The TransformTO Net Zero Strategy includes an Accountability and Management Framework to aid in guiding the implementation. The framework was designed with the recognition that achieving Toronto’s climate goals and targets will require meaningful engagement and collaborative action from all sectors of the community – public, private, non-profit, and residents. The approximately 20 CAG members will be selected through the city’s public appointments recruitment process, and will each serve a 3-year term.
“The City of Toronto is committed to implementing its TransformTO Net Zero Climate Action Strategy in ways that also improve our health, equity and economy,” said mayor John Tory. “I encourage Toronto residents from all areas of the city who have an interest in helping us achieve our ambitious climate targets to apply for the Climate Advisory Group. This strategy is so important to the work we will be doing as a City government to meaningfully address climate change and we know the input directly from residents will help guide these plans.”