The City of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania recently released its first annual report of the Pittsburgh Equity Indicators – a set of 80 measures that report disparities by race, gender, or income in four domains:
- health, food, and safety;
- education, workforce development and entrepreneurship;
- housing, transportation, infrastructure and environment; and,
- civic engagement and communications.
“Ensuring equity for all is one of the city’s greatest priorities, and we are taking a data-driven approach to identify where the inequality is most pronounced, and then invest in eliminating it,” said Mayor William Peduto. “We’ll be working with the Forbes Funds to use the Equity Indicators report and do independent third party evaluations to ensure that we and our partners are delivering services effectively and equitably city-wide.”
The report was developed by the Department of City Planning and the RAND Corporation , the CUNY Institute for State and Local Governance and 100 Resilient Cities – Pioneered by The Rockefeller Foundation(100RC).
Pittsburgh was one of five cities selected to participate in this equality indicator program which is modeled after the successful three-year pilot program run by CUNY’s ISLG in New York City. An important factor in the choice was ONEPGH – Pittsburgh’s citywide Resilience Strategy – which dedicates about one-quarter of its initiatives to creating equal opportunity for all residents.
“Just over a year ago, the City of Pittsburgh made a commitment through ONEPGH, the city’s Resilience Strategy, to address persistent inequality as a core resilience challenge,” said Otis Rolley, managing director for North America at 100 Resilient Cities. “Through today’s Equity Indicators release, Pittsburgh now has a concrete tool to help achieve that goal. 100RC is proud to support the city as it works to advance equity and thus build a more resilient city for all.”
The full Pittsburgh Equity Indicators report can be seen at: