New York City recently released its Artificial Intelligence Action Plan, which lays out how the city will develop a framework for agencies to evaluate AI tools and risks, help city government employees build AI knowledge and skills, and support the implementation of these technologies.
“While artificial intelligence presents a once-in-a-generation opportunity to more effectively deliver for New Yorkers, we must be clear-eyed about the potential pitfalls and associated risks these technologies present,” said Mayor Eric Adams. “I am proud to introduce a plan that will strike a critical balance in the global AI conversation – one that will empower city agencies to deploy technologies that can improve lives while protecting against those that can do harm.”
The overarching theme of the Plan is collaborative engagement, where experts from academia, industry, civil society, community organizations, and organized labor are included in the process. The Plan also emphasizes providing a centralized policy, guidance, support, and resources for city agencies.
The NYC AI Action Plan presents seven new initiatives, each with a set of actions the city will use in an attempt to balance the use of AI in delivering positive outcomes, along with mitigating the risks the technology presents.
The seven initiatives are:
- design and Implement a robust governance framework;
- build external relationships;
- foster public engagement;
- build AI knowledge and skills in city government;
- support AI implementation;
- enable streamlined and responsible AI acquisition; and
- ensure Action Plan measures are maintained and updated, and report annually on the City’s progress.
“With the creation of the Office of Technology and Innovation, Mayor Adams has set a new standard for how to enable smarter tech adoption across city government,” said Chief Technology Officer Matthew Fraser. “I am proud of my colleagues at OTI who have put forward a thoughtful approach that will guide how the City of New York supports its agencies through responsible adoption and shape the way cities around the world approach AI.”