Join Us in Making Denver a “Smart City” (RFP for Professional Services Due 12/21)


Denver is getting smarter and needs you. Request for Proposal (RFP) is open to any vendor of any size who would like to apply. We are looking for those who appreciate the innovative technology and paradigm shift smart city solutions bring to complex city problems. We invite you to become an integral part of Denver Smart City.

The Details:

Proposals are due December 21 at 1:00 PM (MNT). We are accepting proposals via email, bidnet, or hardcopy. Please submit any question to the Question Repository ( before November 21 at 8:00 AM (MNT).

TODAY, November 7, we are hosting a pre-bid webinar from 11-12 PM (MNT).  All proposal documents are available on . Interested suppliers can also download all solicitation documents from the General Services Purchasing Calendar which can be found on the date of Friday, November 2, when it was released.

Work went into creating this RFP to meet the needs of both Denver and potential partners.

Denver utilized research from Bloomberg’s What Works Cities initiative, the Harvard Kennedy School Government Performance Lab as well as practices in top national government procurement agencies to develop a strategic proposal structure designed for improving Local Supplier Diversity.

The traditional RFP structure would:

  • limit agile and adaptable contracting necessary for multi-agency cross discipline program,
  • fail to attract and get responses from qualified Technology SBEs,
  • create barriers for qualified and innovative SBEs to respond successfully, and
  • impose onerous complexity discourages responses and detracts from quality of response.

A modernized RFP structure would:

  • promote a competitive and agile procurement environment, ensuring the highest quality of services delivered to the city;
  • seize opportunities to partner directly with a variety of firms that employ vision, innovation, and accountability; and
  • open up the municipal government procurement marketplace in Denver with opportunities for firms of all backgrounds, size, and demographics.

This RFP is innovative.

The RFP is for On Call Professional Services for Denver Smart City projects. This RFP prioritizes creating opportunities for the Denver Smart City Team to partner with innovative and small firms directly. It spans across agencies and industries, and the contracting results have to reflect a robust portfolio of skillsets, expertise, and experience. One of its foundational principles is that the RFP provides opportunities for direct contracting with the City and County of Denver to firms of all backgrounds, sizes, demographics, and respondents. This RFP minimizes restrictive requirements that typically alienate small firms and startups from responding to government RFPs The response requirements are focused on the practical demonstration of desired Smart City project skills and abilities to foster diversity and attract industry segments (start-ups) which do not traditionally pursue government contracts.

Denver is meeting firms where they are and inviting all firms to reply.

This RFP is open to any vendor who would like to apply – seriously. Denver is getting smarter and needs you. Are you a large national or international firm who is already working with cities to deliver services better and faster? We need you! Are you a leading firm in your industry who has been working on complex projects for years? We need you!! Are you a niche firm who knows you can bring value to Denver? We need you!!! We are looking for those who appreciate the innovative technology and paradigm shift smart city solutions bring to complex city problems. We invite you to become an integral part of- Denver Smart City. There are three competition pools to meet the firms at every size and type needed to make Denver smarter.