Smart City Leaders Rally in Raleigh

May 15, 2024

Highlights from the Smart Cities Connect Conference & Expo –  Spring 2024 The Smart Cities Connect Conference & Expo has been likened to a “homecoming” by smart city leaders who have been advancing in the Read More

Public Trust and Digital Transformation

April 15, 2024

There is a wide range of how smart city technology can be deployed in a city. Some applications (such as smart kiosks, smart street lights, or traffic monitoring cameras) have highly visible hardware but what Read More

Simply the Best: The SCC Smart20

February 13, 2024

For the past seven years, Smart Cities Connect (SCC) has awarded 50 top projects to showcase and celebrate the work being done in communities around the world. In 2024, we will change it up and Read More

Are Smart Cities Age-Friendly?

January 15, 2024

The term “smart city” usually conjures up images of futuristic, fantastical cityscapes but the reality of implementing smart city initiatives is more based in reality. Designing and deploying smart technology is about responding to community Read More

What Is The One Thing Every Smart City Needs?

November 16, 2023

One of the best aspects of smart cities is the diversity of perspectives, experiences, and motivations that each person brings. People from all around the world consider an endless amount of approaches to integrate connected Read More

The Future of Smart Cities Takes to the Skies

October 24, 2023

Imagine being on the bustling streets of Tokyo staring at the sky as some of the world’s top competitive professional pilots race aerobatic aircrafts between a canopy of skyscrapers. On October 15, that very event Read More

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